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MySQL is a widely used, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS).

The Lagoon MySQL image Dockerfile. Based on the official upstream docker image mysql (Oracle Linux variant).

This Dockerfile is intended to be used to set up a standalone MySQL database server, intended for use in Local Development

  • 8.0 Dockerfile (Extended Support until April 2026) - uselagoon/mysql-8.0
  • 8.4 Dockerfile (Extended Support until April 2032) - uselagoon/mysql-8.4


These images are not intended as drop-in alernatives to MariaDB images, and as such, may require customization to run in local development environments

Lagoon adaptions#

The default exposed port of MySQL containers is port 3306.

To allow Lagoon to select the best way to run the MySQL container, use lagoon.type: mariadb - this allows the DBaaS operator to provision a cloud database if available in the cluster. Use lagoon.type: mariadb-single to specifically request MySQL in a container. Persistent storage is always provisioned for MySQL containers at /var/lib/mysql.

This image is prepared to be used on Lagoon. There are therefore some things already done:

  • Folder permissions are automatically adapted with fix-permissions, so this image will work with a random user.
  • script to check when MySQL container is ready.

docker-compose.yml snippet for non-Drupal projects#

        image: uselagoon/mysql-8.4:latest
        # tells Lagoon this is a MariaDB-compatible database
            lagoon.type: mariadb
            # exposes the port 3306 with a random local port, find it with `docker compose port mysql 3306`
            - "3306"
            # mounts a named volume at the default path for MySQL
            - db:/var/lib/mysql

docker-compose.yml snippet for Drupal projects#

        image: uselagoon/mysql-8.4:latest
        # tells Lagoon this is a MariaDB-compatible database
            lagoon.type: mariadb
            # exposes the port 3306 with a random local port, find it with `docker compose port mariadb 3306`
            - "3306"
            # These override the default credentials to match what Drupal is hardwired to expect in Lagoon
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=drupal
      - MYSQL_USER=drupal
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=drupal
            # mounts a named volume at the default path for MariaDB
            - db:/var/lib/mysql

Included tools#

  • - Perl script useful for database parameter tuning.
  • - Script for automating the daily MySQL backups on development environment.
  • pwgen - Utility to generate random and complex passwords.

Included my.cnf configuration file#

The image ships a default MySQL configuration file, optimized to work on Lagoon. Some options are configurable via environment variables.

Environment Variables#

Environment Variable Default Description
MYSQL_DATABASE lagoon Database name created at startup.
MYSQL_USER lagoon Default user created at startup.
MYSQL_PASSWORD lagoon Password of default user created at startup.
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD Lag00n MySQL root user's password.
MYSQL_CHARSET utf8mb4 Set the server charset.
MYSQL_COLLATION utf8mb4_bin Set server collation.
MYSQL_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET 64M Set the max_allowed_packet size.
MYSQL_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE 256M Set the MySQL InnoDB buffer pool size.
MYSQL_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_INSTANCES 1 Number of InnoDB buffer pool instances.
MYSQL_INNODB_LOG_FILE_SIZE 64M Size of InnoDB log file.
MYSQL_LOG_SLOW (not set) Variable to control the save of slow queries.
MYSQL_LOG_QUERIES (not set) Variable to control the save of ALL queries.
BACKUPS_DIR /var/lib/mysql/backup Default path for databases backups.
MYSQL_DATA_DIR /var/lib/mysql Path of the MySQL data dir, be careful, changing this can occur data loss!
MYSQL_COPY_DATA_DIR_SOURCE (not set) Path which the entrypoint script of MySQL will use to copy into the defined MYSQL_DATA_DIR, this can be used for prepopulating the MySQL with a database. The scripts expects actual MySQL data files and not a sql file! Plus it only copies data if the destination does not already have a MySQL datadir in it.

If the LAGOON_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE variable is set to production, performances are set accordingly by using MYSQL_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE=1024 and MYSQL_INNODB_LOG_FILE_SIZE=256.