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The Lagoon mariadb-drupal Docker image Dockerfile is a customized mariadb image to use within Drupal projects in Lagoon. It differs from the mariadb image only for initial database setup, made by some environment variables:

Environment Variable Default Description
MARIADB_DATABASE drupal Drupal database created at startup.
MARIADB_USER drupal Default user created at startup.
MARIADB_PASSWORD drupal Password of default user created at startup.

If the LAGOON_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE variable is set to production, performances are set accordingly by using MARIADB_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE=1024 and MARIADB_INNODB_LOG_FILE_SIZE=256.

Additional MariaDB Logging#

During the course of development, it may be necessary to enable either query logging or slow query logging. To do so, set the environment variables MARIADB_LOG_SLOW or MARIADB_LOG_QUERIES. This can be done in docker-compose.yml.

Connecting to MySQL container from the host#

If you would like to connect to your MySQL database inside the Docker container with an external tool like Sequel Pro, MySQL Workbench, HeidiSQL, DBeaver, plain old mysql-cli or anything else, here's how to get the IP and port info.

Get published MySQL port from the container#

By default, Docker assigns a randomly published port for MySQL during each container start. This is done to prevent port collisions.

To get the published port via docker:

Run: docker port [container_name].

Get port
$ docker port drupal_example_mariadb_1
3306/tcp ->

Or via docker-compose inside a Drupal repository:

Run: docker-compose port [service_name] [interal_port].

Set ports
docker-compose port mariab 3306

During development, if you are using an external database tool, it may become cumbersome to continually check and set the MySQL connection port.

To set a static port, edit your service definition in your docker-compose.yml.

      - "33772:3306" # Exposes port 3306 with a 33772 on the host port. Note by doing this you are responsible for managing port collisions`.


By setting a static port you become responsible for managing port collisions.

Connect to MySQL#

Now you can use these details to connect to whatever database management tool you'd like.

Linux OS X
IP/Host IP from container
Port Published port from container Published port from container
Username drupal drupal
Password drupal drupal
Database drupal drupal