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Drush 9#


Unfortunately, Drush 9 does not provide the ability to inject dynamic site aliases like Drush 8 did. We are working with the Drush team to implement this again. In the meantime, we have a workaround that allows you to use Drush 9 with Lagoon.

Basic Idea#

Drush 9 provides a new command, drush site:alias-convert , which can convert Drush 8-style site aliases over to the Drush 9 YAML site alias style. This will create a on- time export of the site aliases currently existing in Lagoon, and save them in /app/drush/sites . These are then used when running a command like drush sa.


In order to be able to use drush site:alias-convert , you need to do the following:

  • Rename the aliases.drushrc.php inside the drush folder to lagoon.aliases.drushrc.php.

Generate Site Aliases#

You can now convert your Drush aliases by running the following command in your project using the cli container:

Generate Site Aliases
docker compose exec cli drush site:alias-convert /app/drush/sites --yes

It's good practice to commit the resulting YAML files into your Git repository, so that they are in place for your fellow developers.

Use Site Aliases#

In Drush 9, all site aliases are prefixed with a group. In our case, this is lagoon. You can show all site aliases with their prefix via:

Show all site aliases
drush sa --format=list

and to use them:

Using Drush site alias
drush @lagoon.main ssh

Update Site Aliases#

If a new environment in Lagoon has been created, you can run drush site:alias-convert to update the site aliases file. If running this command does not update, try deleting first, and then re-run drush site:alias-convert.

Drush rsync from local to remote environments#

If you would like to sync files from a local environment to a remote environment, you need to pass additional parameters:

Drush rsync
drush rsync @self:%files @lagoon.main:%files -- --omit-dir-times --no-perms --no-group --no-owner --chmod=ugo=rwX

This also applies to syncing one remote environment to another, if you're not using the Lagoon tasks UI to copy files between environments.

For example, if you wanted to sync the files from @lagoon.main to , and ran drush rsync @lagoon.main locally, without the extra parameters, you would probably run into a "Cannot specify two remote aliases" error.

To resolve this, you would first need to SSH into your destination environment drush ssh, and then execute the rsync command with parameters similar to the above:

Drush rsync
drush rsync @lagoon.main:%files  @self:%files -- --omit-dir-times --no-perms --no-group --no-owner --chmod=ugo=rwX

This is not necessary if you rsync from a remote to a local environment.

Also, we're working with the Drush maintainers to find a way to inject this automatically.