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The Lagoon PostgreSQL Docker image. Based on the official PostgreSQL Alpine images.

Supported versions#

  • 11 (available for compatibility only, no longer officially supported) - uselagoon/postgres-11
  • 12 Dockerfile (Security Support until November 2024) - uselagoon/postgres-12
  • 13 Dockerfile (Security Support until November 2025) - uselagoon/postgres-13
  • 14 Dockerfile (Security Support until November 2026) - uselagoon/postgres-14
  • 15 Dockerfile (Security Support until November 2027) - uselagoon/postgres-15
  • 16 Dockerfile (Security Support until November 2028) - uselagoon/postgres-16


We stop updating EOL PostgreSQL images usually with the Lagoon release that comes after the officially communicated EOL date:

Lagoon adaptions#

The default exposed port of Postgres containers is port 5432.

To allow Lagoon to select the best way to run the Postgres container, use lagoon.type: postgres - this allows DBaaS operator to provision a cloud database if available in the cluster. Use lagoon.type: postgres-single to specifically request Postgres in a container. Persistent storage is always provisioned for postgres containers at /var/lib/postgresql/data.

docker-compose.yml snippet#

  image: uselagoon/postgres-14-drupal:latest
    # tells Lagoon this is a Postgres database
    lagoon.type: postgres
    # exposes the port 5432 with a random local port
    # find it with `docker compose port postgres 5432`
    - "5432"
    # mounts a named volume at the default path for Postgres
    - db:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Tips & Tricks#

If you have SQL statements that need to be run immediately after container startup to initialize the database, you can place those .sql files in the container's docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory. Any .sql files contained in that directory are run automatically at startup, as part of bringing the PostgreSQL container up.


These scripts are only run if the container is started with an empty database.