Install Lagoon Remote#
Now we will install Lagoon Remote into the Lagoon namespace. The RabbitMQ service is the broker.
in your config directory as you did the previous two files, and update the values.- rabbitMQPassword
Get RabbitMQ passwordkubectl -n lagoon-core get secret lagoon-core-broker -o jsonpath="{.data.RABBITMQ_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode
- rabbitMQHostname
- taskSSHHost
Update SSH Hostkubectl get service lagoon-core-broker-amqp-ext \ -o custom-columns=",IP ADDRESS:.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip,HOSTNAME:.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname"
- harbor-password
Add the Harbor configuration from the Install Harbor step.
lagoon-remote-values.ymllagoon-build-deploy: enabled: true extraArgs: - "--enable-harbor=true" - "--harbor-url=" - "--harbor-api=" - "--harbor-username=admin" - "--harbor-password=<from harbor-harbor-core secret>" rabbitMQUsername: lagoon rabbitMQPassword: <from lagoon-core-broker secret> rabbitMQHostname: lagoon-core-broker.lagoon-core.svc.cluster.local lagoonTargetName: <name of lagoon remote, can be anything> taskSSHHost: <IP of ssh service loadbalancer> taskSSHPort: "22" taskAPIHost: "" dbaas-operator: enabled: true mariadbProviders: production: environment: production hostname: readReplicaHostnames: - password: password port: '3306' user: root development: environment: development hostname: readReplicaHostnames: - password: password port: '3306' user: root
Enable ssh-core service account
Install Lagoon Remote: