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Blackfire variables#

The Lagoon Base Images have support for Blackfire included in the PHP Images (see the PHP images).

In order to use Blackfire in Lagoon, these three environment variables need to be defined:

Environment Variable Default Description
BLACKFIRE_ENABLED (not set) Used to enable blackfire extension with setting variable to TRUE or true
BLACKFIRE_SERVER_ID (not set) Set to Blackfire Server ID provided by Needs BLACKFIRE_ENABLED set to true
BLACKFIRE_SERVER_TOKEN (not set) Set to Blackfire Server Token provided by Needs BLACKFIRE_ENABLED set to true

Local Usage of Blackfire#

For local usage of Blackfire with Lagoon Images, set the above environment variables for the PHP container. Here is an example for a Drupal application:




      << : *default-environment # loads the defined environment variables from the top
      BLACKFIRE_SERVER_ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
      BLACKFIRE_SERVER_TOKEN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

After restarting the containers, you should be able to profile via the Blackfire Browser Plugin or the Blackfire CLI.

Remote Usage of Blackfire#

In order to use Blackfire in deployed Lagoon environments the same enviornment variables need to be set, this time via one of the possibilities of adding environment variables to Lagoon. Important: Environment variables set in the docker-compose.yml for local development are not used by Lagoon in remote environments!


The Blackfire Agent running in the PHP containers outputs logs as normal container logs, which can be seen via docker compose logs or via the Lagoon Logging Infrastructure for remote environments.

By default the Logs are set to Level 3 (info), via the environment variable BLACKFIRE_LOG_LEVEL the level can be increased to 4 (debug) to generate more debugging ouput.