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Harbor is used as the default package repository for Lagoon when deploying to Kubernetes infrastructure. Harbor provides a Docker registry and a container security scanning solution provided by Trivy.


When running Lagoon locally, the configuration for Harbor is handled entirely automagically.

If you are running Lagoon locally, you can access that UI at localhost:8084. The username is admin and the password is admin.


If you are hosting a site with a provider, they may not allow customer access to the Harbor UI.

Once logged in, the first screen is a list of all repositories your user has access to. Each "repository" in Harbor correlates to a project in Lagoon.

Harbor Projects Overview

Within each Harbor repository, you'll see a list of container images from all environments with a single Lagoon project.

Harbor Repositories Overview

From here, you can drill down into an individual container in order to see its details, including an overview of its security scan results.

Harbor Container Overview