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The .lagoon.yml file is the central file to set up your project. It contains configuration in order to do the following:

The .lagoon.yml file must be placed at the root of your Git repository.

General Settings#


Tells the build script which Docker Compose YAML file should be used, in order to learn which services and containers should be deployed. This defaults to docker-compose.yml, but could be used for a specific Lagoon Docker Compose YAML file if needed.


This setting allows you to enable injecting the deployed Git SHA into your project as an environment variable. By default this is disabled. Setting the value to true sets the SHA as the environment variable LAGOON_GIT_SHA.


Routes are used to direct traffic to services. Each service in an environnment can have routes, in which the domain names are defined manually or automatically. The top level routes section applies to all routes in all environments.


This allows you to configure automatically created routes. Manual routes are defined per environment.

  • enabled: Set to false to disable autogenerated routes. Default is true.
  • allowPullrequests: Set to true to override enabled: false for pull requests.
        enabled: false
        allowPullrequests: true
  • insecure: Configures HTTP connections. Default is Allow.
    • Allow: Route will respond to HTTP and HTTPS.
    • Redirect: Route will redirect any HTTP request to HTTPS.
  • prefixes: Configure prefixes for the autogenerated routes of each environment. This is useful for things like language prefix domains, or a multi-domain site using the Drupal domain module.

          - www
          - de
          - fr
          - it

Path Based Routes#

Path based routes allows you to define paths on a route to a different backend. This can be used if you have a separate backend within the environment that you want to route traffic to on the same domain as another service within your environment.


Path based routes can get quite complex and should only be used if you have a need to use them.

Here is an example .lagoon.yml file that shows how path based routes can be defined. There is support for global autogenerated routes, per environment autogenerated routes, and custom routes.

.lagoon.yml path based routes
docker-compose-yaml: docker-compose.yml

# if an environment has `autogeneratePathRoutes` defined like `environments.main.autogeneratePathRoutes`
# then thes global lagoon yaml `routes.autogenerate.pathRoutes` are ignored
      - fromService: nginx
        toService: node
        path: /api/v1

    # path routes for autogenerated routes for this environment only
      - fromService: nginx
        toService: node
        path: /api/v1
      - nginx:
              - toService: node
                path: /api/v1

Autogenerated Routes#

It is possible to configure global autogenerated routes, these would apply to ALL environments that this .lagoon.yml file would cover.

Additionally, per environment autogenerated route configurations are supported, the fields are the same, just where they are defined is different.

.lagoon.yml autogenerated path based routes
      - fromService: nginx
        toService: node
        path: /api/v1

    # path routes for autogenerated routes for this environment only
      - fromService: nginx
        toService: node
        path: /api/v1


If the per environment path routes are defined on an environment, any global defined ones are ignored.

The supported fields for autogenerated path routes are:

  • fromService - the autogenerated route for the service you want to add the path based route to
  • toService - the backend service you want to route to
  • path - the path to send to the toService

Custom Routes#

It is possible to turn on path based routes for a specific route too, the following .lagoon.yml example shows how.

.lagoon.yml custom route path based routes
      - nginx:
              - toService: node
                path: /api/v1
The fields are the same, except that you can omit fromService due to the way that custom routes are defined already associated to a fromService in their normal configuration.


Autogenerated Route configurations#

If the global path routes for autogenerated routes are defined, but an environment has overrides, the global defined path routes are ignored by that environment.

Additional Service Ports#

If the docker compose label lagoon.service.usecomposeports=true has been defined on a service, then the service name with the port number as a suffix to any ports beyond the default (first defined port) must be used as the toService. See Additional Service Ports for more information on this label.

The following docker-compose.yml has an example of this label and the ports. This would create the default service port named node referencing port 1234, but also another service node-4321. If you need to create a path based route to port 4321, you would need to define the toService as node-4321.

docker-compose.yml path based routes
      context: .
      dockerfile: basic.dockerfile
      lagoon.type: nginx
      lagoon.service.usecomposeports: true
      - '8080'
      context: .
      dockerfile: basic.dockerfile
      lagoon.type: basic
      lagoon.service.usecomposeports: true
      - '1234'
      - '4321'
Then you could create a route that would route traffic to the nginx service. But any traffic destined for would go to the node service on port 4321

.lagoon.yml custom route path based routes
      - nginx:
              - toService: node-4321
                path: /api/v1

The path defined in the pathRoute will be passed to whichever toService is defined in all URL queries. This means if you're using the path defined as /api/v1 for example, then you may need to cater for this in your backend depending on how your backend is built.

Path Types#

In Lagoon, currently only Prefix type is supported on ingress (see Ingress path types).


There are different type of tasks you can define, and they differ in when exactly they are executed in a build flow:

Pre-Rollout Tasks - pre_rollout.[i].run#

Here you can specify tasks which will run against your project after all images have been successfully built, but before:

  • Any running containers are updated with the newly built images.
  • Any other changes are made to your existing environment.

This feature enables you to, for example, create a database dump before updating your application. This can make it easier to roll back in case of a problem with the deploy.


The pre-rollout tasks run in the existing pods before they are updated, which means:

  • Changes made to your Dockerfile since the last deploy will not be visible when pre-rollout tasks run.
  • If there are no existing containers (e.g. on the initial deployment of a new environment), pre-rollout tasks are skipped.

Post-Rollout Tasks - post_rollout.[i].run#

Here you can specify tasks which need to run against your project, after:

  • All images have been successfully built.
  • All containers are updated with the new images.
  • All containers are running have passed their readiness checks.

Common uses for post-rollout tasks include running drush updb, drush cim, or clearing various caches.

  • name
    • The name is an arbitrary label for making it easier to identify each task in the logs.
  • command
    • Here you specify what command should run. These are run in the WORKDIR of each container, for Lagoon images this is /app. Keep this in mind if you need to cd into a specific location to run your task.
  • service
    • The service in which to run the task. If following our Drupal example, this will be the CLI container, as it has all your site code, files, and a connection to the database. Typically you do not need to change this.
  • container
    • If the service has multiple containers (e.g. nginx-php), you will need to specify which container in the pod to connect to (e.g. the php container within the nginx pod).
  • shell
    • In which shell the task should be run. By default sh is used, but if the container also has other shells (like bash, you can define it here). This is useful if you want to run some small if/else bash scripts within the post-rollouts. See the example below to learn how to write a script with multiple lines.
  • when
    • The "when" clause allows for the conditional running of tasks. It expects an expression that will evaluate to a true/false value which determines whether the task should be run.

Note: If you would like to temporarily disable pre/post-rollout tasks during a deployment, you can set either of the following environment variables in the API at the project or environment level (see how on Environment Variables).


Example post-rollout tasks#

Here are some useful examples of post-rollout tasks that you may want to use or adapt for your projects.

Run only if Drupal not installed:

- run:
  name: IF no Drupal installed
  command: | # (1)
    if tables=$(drush sqlq "show tables like 'node';") && [ -z "$tables" ]; then
      #### whatever you like
  service: cli
  shell: bash
  1. This shows how to create a multi-line command.

Different tasks based on branch name:

- run:
    name: Different tasks based on branch name
    command: |
        ### Runs if current branch is not 'production'
    service: cli
    when: LAGOON_GIT_BRANCH != "production"

Run shell script:

- run:
    name: Run Script
    command: './scripts/'
    service: cli

Target specific container in pod:

- run:
    name: show php env variables
    command: env
    service: nginx
    container: php

Drupal & Drush 9: Sync database & files from master environment:

- run:
    name: Sync DB and Files from master if we are not on master
    command: |
      # Only if we don't have a database yet
      if tables=$(drush sqlq 'show tables;') && [ -z "$tables" ]; then
          drush sql-sync @lagoon.master @self # (1)
          drush rsync @lagoon.master:%files @self:%files -- --omit-dir-times --no-perms --no-group --no-owner --chmod=ugo=rwX
    service: cli
    when: LAGOON_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE != "production"
  1. Make sure to use the correct aliases for your project here.

Backup Retention#


Specify the number of monthly backups Lagoon should retain for your project's production environment(s).

The global default is 0 if this value is not specified.


Specify the number of weekly backups Lagoon should retain for your project's production environment(s).

The global default is 6 if this value is not specified.


Specify the number of daily backups Lagoon should retain for your project's production environment(s).

The global default is 7 if this value is not specified.


Specify the number of hourly backups Lagoon should retain for your project's production environment(s).

The global default is 0 if this value is not specified.

Backup Schedule#


Specify the backup schedule for this project. Accepts cron-compatible syntax with the notable exception that the Minute block must be the letter M. Any other value in the Minute block will cause the Lagoon build to fail. This allows Lagoon to randomly choose a specific minute for these backups to happen, while users can specify the remainder of the schedule down to the hour.

The global default is M H(22-2) * * * if this value is not specified.


Backup schedules use the cluster's local timezone.


Environment names match your deployed branches or pull requests. This allows for each environment to have a different config. In our example it will apply to the main and staging environment.


Manual routes are domain names that are configured per environment to direct traffic to a service. Since all environments get automatically created routes by default, it is typical that manual routes are only setup for the production environment, using the main domain of the project's website like


Since Lagoon has no control over the manual routes, you'll need to ensure the DNS records are configured properly at your DNS provider. You can likely set a CNAME record to point to the automatic route.

The first element after the environment is the target service, nginx in our example. This is how we identify which service incoming requests will be sent to.

The simplest route is, as seen in our example .lagoon.yml - you can see it has no additional configuration. This will assume that you want a Let's Encrypt certificate for your route and no redirect from HTTPS to HTTP.

In the "" example below, we see three more options (also notice the : at the end of the route and that the route is wrapped in ", that's important!):

- "":
    tls-acme: true
    insecure: Redirect
    hstsEnabled: true

SSL Configuration tls-acme#


If you switch from tls-acme: true to tls-acme: false this will remove any previously generated certificates for this route. This could result in unexpected behaviour if you're using an external CDN and do any certificate pinning.

  • tls-acme: Configures automatic TLS certificate generation via Let's Encrypt. Default is true, set to false to disable automatic certificates.
  • insecure: Configures HTTP connections. Default is Allow.
    • Allow: Route will respond to HTTP and HTTPS.
    • Redirect: Route will redirect any HTTP request to HTTPS.
  • hstsEnabled: Adds the Strict-Transport-Security header. Default is false.
  • hstsMaxAge: Configures the max-age directive. Default is 31536000 (1 year).
  • hstsPreload: Sets the preload directive. Default is false.
  • hstsIncludeSubdomains: Sets the includeSubDomains directive. Default is false.


If you plan to switch from a SSL certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) to a Let's Encrypt certificate, it's best to get in touch with your Lagoon administrator to oversee the transition.

Monitoring a specific path#


Lagoon does not provide any monitoring capabilties out of the box, only labels and annotations. Check with your Lagoon administrator if monitoring is supported.

Lagoon will add the label to the first route defined in the .lagoon.yml file for an environment.

If a specific path on a route requires monitoring, define monitoring-path with the path to use. Lagoon will add this path to the annotation to the route.

- "":
      monitoring-path: "/bypass-cache"


The annotation used by monitoring-path references the stakater monitoring controller, this is not used by Lagoon. This annotation will eventually be replaced with a scoped annotation in the future.

Ingress annotations#


Route/Ingress annotations are only supported by projects that deploy into clusters that run nginx-ingress controllers! Check with your Lagoon administrator if this is supported.


Some annotations are disallowed or partially restricted in Lagoon. The table below describes these rules.

If your .lagoon.yml contains one of these annotations it will cause a build failure.

Annotation Notes Disallowed Restricted to rewrite, add_header, set_real_ip, and more_set_headers directives. Disallowed Restricted to rewrite, add_header, set_real_ip, and more_set_headers directives. Disallowed Disallowed

Ingress annotations redirects#

In this example any requests to will be redirected to while keeping folders or query parameters intact ( ->

- "":

You can of course also redirect to any other URL not hosted on Lagoon, this will direct requests to to

- "":

Trusted Reverse Proxies#


Kubernetes will only process a single annotation. Please ensure that if you use this annotation on a non-production environment route that you also include the add_header X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow"; annotation as part of your server-snippet. This is needed to stop robots from crawling development environments as the default server-snippet set to prevent this in development environments in the ingress templates will get overwritten with any server-snippets set in .lagoon.yml.

Some configurations involve a reverse proxy (like a CDN) in front of the Kubernetes clusters. In these configurations, the IP of the reverse proxy will appear as the REMOTE_ADDR HTTP_X_REAL_IP HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR headers field in your applications. The original IP of the requester can be found in the HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_FORWARDED_FOR header.

If you want the original IP to appear in the REMOTE_ADDR HTTP_X_REAL_IP HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR headers, you need to tell the ingress which reverse proxy IPs you want to trust:

- "":
    annotations: |

This example would trust the CIDR (the IP in this case). Therefore if there is a request sent to the Kubernetes cluster from the IP the X-Forwarded-For Header is analyzed and its contents injected into REMOTE_ADDR HTTP_X_REAL_IP HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR headers.


The Lagoon build process checks the lagoon.type label from the docker-compose.yml file in order to learn what type of service should be deployed (read more about them in the documentation of docker-compose.yml).

Sometimes you might want to override the type just for a single environment, and not for all of them. For example, if you want a standalone MariaDB database (instead of letting the Service Broker/operator provision a shared one) for your non-production environment called develop:

service-name: service-type

  • service-name is the name of the service from docker-compose.yml you would like to override.
  • service-type the type of the service you would like to use in your override.

Example for setting up MariaDB_Galera:

      mariadb: mariadb-single


The Lagoon build process checks the lagoon.template label from the docker-compose.yml file in order to check if the service needs a custom template file (read more about them in the documentation of docker-compose.yml).

Sometimes you might want to override the template just for a single environment, and not for all of them:

service-name: template-file

  • service-name is the name of the service from docker-compose.yml you would like to override.
  • template-file is the path and name of the template to use for this service in this environment.

Example Template Override#

      mariadb: mariadb.main.deployment.yml


The Lagoon build process checks the lagoon.rollout label from the docker-compose.yml file in order to check if the service needs a special rollout type (read more about them in the documentation of docker-compose.yml)

Sometimes you might want to override the rollout type just for a single environment, especially if you also overwrote the template type for the environment:

service-name: rollout-type

  • service-name is the name of the service from docker-compose.yml you would like to override.
  • rollout-type is the type of rollout. See documentation of docker-compose.yml) for possible values.

Custom Rollout Type Example#

      mariadb: statefulset


This allows for any environments to get autogenerated routes when route autogeneration is disabled.

    enabled: false
    autogenerateRoutes: true


Cron jobs must be defined explicitly for each environment, since it is typically not desirable to run the same ones for all environments. Depending on the defined schedule, cron jobs may run as a Kubernetes native CronJob or as an in-pod cron job via the crontab of the defined service.

Cron Job Example#

  - name: Hourly Drupal Cron
    schedule: "M * * * *" # Once per hour, at a random minute.
    command: drush cron
    service: cli
  - name: Nightly Drupal Cron
    schedule: "M 0 * * *" # Once per day, at a random minute from 00:00 to 00:59.
    command: drush cron
    service: cli
  • name: Any name that will identify the purpose and distinguish it from other cron jobs.
  • schedule: The schedule for executing the cron job. Lagoon uses an extended version of the crontab format. If you're not sure about the syntax, use a crontab generator.

    • You can specify M for the minute, and your cron job will run once per hour at a random minute (the same minute each hour), or M/15 to run it every 15 mins, but with a random offset from the hour (like 6,21,36,51). It is a good idea to spread out your cron jobs using this feature, rather than have them all fire off on minute 0.
    • You can specify H for the hour, and your cron job will run once per day at a random hour (the same hour every day), or H(2-4) to run it once per day within the hours of 2-4.


  • The default timezone for cron jobs is UTC.
  • Native cron jobs use the timezone of the node, which is UTC.
  • In-pod cron jobs use the timezone of the defined service, which can be configured to something other than UTC.
  • command: The command to execute. This executes in the WORKDIR of the service. For Lagoon images, this is /app.


Cronjobs may run in-pod, via crontab, which doesn't support multiline commands. If you need a complex or multiline cron command, you must put it in a script that can be used as the command. Consider whether a pre- or post-rollout task would work.


Cronjobs run in Kubernetes pods, which means they can be interrupted due to pod rescheduling. Therefore when creating a cronjob you must ensure that the command can be safely interrupted and re-run at the next cron interval.

  • service: Which service of your project to run the command in. For most projects, this should be the cli service.


In Lagoon, the same Git repository can be added to multiple projects, creating what is called a polysite. This allows you to run the same codebase, but allow for different, isolated, databases and persistent files. In .lagoon.yml , we currently only support specifying custom routes for a polysite project. The key difference from a standard project is that the environments becomes the second-level element, and the project name the top level.

To utilize this, you will need to:

  1. Create two (or more) projects in Lagoon, each configured with the same Git URL and production branch, named per your .lagoon.yml (i.e poly-project1 and poly-project2 below)
  2. Add the deploy keys from each project to the Git repository.
  3. Configure the webhook for the repository (if required) - you can then push/deploy. Note that a push to the repository will simultaneously deploy all projects/branches for that Git URL.

Polysite Example#

        - nginx:
        - nginx:




If you run directly on hosted Lagoon you will not need this key set.

With the key api you can define another URL that should be used by the Lagoon CLI and drush to connect to the Lagoon GraphQL API. This needs to be a full URL with a scheme, like: http://localhost:3000 This usually does not need to be changed, but there might be situations where your Lagoon administrator tells you to do so.



If you run directly on hosted Lagoon you will not need this key set.

With the key ssh you can define another SSH endpoint that should be used by the Lagoon CLI and drush to connect to the Lagoon remote shell service. This needs to be a hostname and a port separated by a colon, like: localhost:2020 This usually does not need to be changed, but there might be situations where your Lagoon administrator tells you to do so.


The container-registries block allows you to define your own private container registries to pull custom or private images.

To use a private container registry, you will need a username, password, and optionally the url for your registry. If you don't specify a url in your YAML, it will default to using Docker Hub. We also recommend adding a description to your container-registry entries to provide a bit of information about them, some examples are provided.

There are 2 ways to define the username and password used for your registry user.

  • Define them as environment variables in the API
  • Hardcode them in the .lagoon.yml file (we don't recommend this though)

Environment variables method#

Firstly, define the container-registries in your .lagoon.yml, you don't need to define the username or password here. If you do use a custom registry, you will still need to provide the url, for example:

    description: "username and password consumed from environment variables for the default registry"
    description: "username and password consumed from environment variables for my custom registry"
    description: "password consumed from environment variables for my other registry"
    username: myotheruser

If you do define a username in the .lagoon.yml you don't need to add the associated variable, but if you do add the variable, the value of the variable will be prefered.

Next, create environment variables in the Lagoon API with the type container_registry:

  • lagoon add variable -p <project_name> -N <registry_username_variable_name> -V <username_goes_here> -S container_registry
  • lagoon add variable -p <project_name> -N <registry_password_variable_name> -V <password_goes_here> -S container_registry
  • (see more on Environment Variables)

The name of the variables should be the name of the registry defined in the .lagoon.yml file, it should be:

  • uppercase
  • replace - with _
  • have the prefix REGISTRY_
  • have the suffix of _USERNAME or _PASSWORD.

Some examples of this are:

  • lowercased versions may still work if there are no - in them, for example REGISTRY_dockerhub_USERNAME, but the uppercased version will always be chosen above others.
Legacy method of defining registry password

A previous method that allowed for the password to be defined using an environment variable, with the name of the variable to be defined in the .lagoon.yml file like so:

    username: dockerhubuser

the username needs to be provided in this file too, unless the supported variable for defining the username is provided.

The variable can then ba added to the API like so

  • lagoon add variable -p <project_name> -N MY_DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD -V <password_goes_here> -S container_registry

While we will continue to support this method, it may be deprecated in the future, we will ensure that warnings are presented within builds to give time for users to change to the supported method.

If a supported variable password is provided, it will be used instead of the custom named variable.

Hardcoded values method#

You can also define the password directly in the .lagoon.yml file in plain text, however we do not recommend this.

    description: "the default registry credentials"
    username: dockerhubuser
    password: MySecretPassword
    description: "the credentials for my own registry"
    username: mycustomuser
    password: MyCustomSecretPassword

Consuming a custom or private container registry image#

To consume a custom or private container registry image, you need to update the service inside your docker-compose.yml file to use a build context instead of defining an image:

      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.mariadb

Once the docker-compose.yml file has been updated to use a build, you need to create the Dockerfile.<service> and then set your private image as the FROM <repo>/<name>:<tag>

FROM dockerhubuser/my-private-database:tag

Example .lagoon.yml#

This is an example .lagoon.yml which showcases all possible settings. You will need to adapt it to your project.

docker-compose-yaml: docker-compose.yml

  git_sha: 'true'

    - run:
        name: drush sql-dump
        command: mkdir -p /app/web/sites/default/files/private/ && drush sql-dump --ordered-dump --gzip --result-file=/app/web/sites/default/files/private/pre-deploy-dump.sql.gz
        service: cli
    - run:
        name: drush cim
        command: drush -y cim
        service: cli
        shell: bash
    - run:
        name: drush cr
        command: drush -y cr
        service: cli

    insecure: Redirect

      - nginx:
        - "":
            tls-acme: true
            insecure: Redirect
            hstsEnabled: true
        - "":
      mariadb: mariadb
      mariadb: mariadb.main.deployment.yml
      mariadb: statefulset
      - name: drush cron
        schedule: "M * * * *" # This will run the cron once per hour.
        command: drush cron
        service: cli
      - name: drush cron
        schedule: "M * * * *" # This will run the cron once per hour.
        command: drush cron
        service: cli
      - name: drush cron
        schedule: "H * * * *" # This will run the cron once per hour.
        command: drush cron
        service: cli


These settings have been deprecated and should be removed from use in your .lagoon.yml.

  • routes.autogenerate.insecure

    The None option is equivalent to Redirect.

  • environments.[name].monitoring_urls
  • environments.[name].routes.[service].[route].hsts
  • environments.[name].routes.[service].[route].insecure

    The None option is equivalent to Redirect.