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Releasing Lagoon#

Lagoon has a number of moving parts, making releases quite complicated!

Lagoon-core - tags and testing#

  1. Ensure all the identified pull requests have been merged into main branch for:
  2. Once you are confident, push the next tag in sequence (minor or patch) to the main branch in the format v2.MINOR.PATCH as per semver. This will trigger a Jenkins build, visible at
  3. Whilst this is building, push lightweight tags to the correct commits on lagoon-ui and build-deploy-tool in the format core-v2.MINOR.PATCH. Note that there are no other tags or releases on build-deploy-tool, but lagoon-ui also has it's own semver releases that are based on it's features.
  4. Once the build has completed successfully in Jenkins, head to to prepare the charts release
  5. In the chart.yaml for the lagoon-core and lagoon-test charts, update the following fields:

    • version: This is the next "minor" release of the chart - we usually use minor for a corresponding lagoon-core release
    • appVersion: This is the actual tag of the released lagoon-core
    • All that's needed are the two lines in the below snippet, modified for the actual appVersion being released.

    sample chart.yml snippets
    # This is the chart version. This version number should be incremented each
    # time you make changes to the chart and its templates, including the app
    # version.
    # Versions are expected to follow Semantic Versioning (
    version: 1.28.0
    # This is the version number of the application being deployed. This version
    # number should be incremented each time you make changes to the application.
    # Versions are not expected to follow Semantic Versioning. They should reflect
    # the version the application is using.
    appVersion: v2.14.2
    # This section is used to collect a changelog for
    # It should be started afresh for each release
    # Valid supported kinds are added, changed, deprecated, removed, fixed and security
    annotations: |
        - kind: changed
          description: update Lagoon appVersion to v2.14.2
    Only lagoon-core and lagoon-test charts are updated as a result of a lagoon-core release. Follow the lagoon-remote process if there are any other changes.

  6. Create a PR for this chart release, and the Github Actions suite will undertake a full suite of tests:

    • Lint and test charts - matrix: performs a lint and chart install against the current tested version of Kubernetes
    • Lint and test charts - current: performs a lint and chart install against previous/future versions of Kubernetes
    • Lagoon tests: runs the full series of ansible tests against the release.

    Usually, failures in the lint and test charts are well explained (missing/misconfigured chart settings). If a single Lagoon test failes, it may just need re-running. If multiple failures occur, they will need investigating.

Once those tests have all passed successfully, you can proceed with creating the releases:

Lagoon-core - releases and release notes#

  1. In uselagoon/lagoon create a release from the tag pushed earlier. Use the "Generate release notes" button to create the changelog. Look at previous releases for what we include in the release - and the lagoon-images link will always be the most recent released version. Note that the links to the charts, lagoon-ui and build-deploy-tool can all be filled in now, but the links won't work until the future steps. Mark this as the latest release and Publish the release.
  2. In uselagoon/build-deploy-tool create a release from the tag pushed earlier. Use the "Generate release notes" button to create the changelog - ensuring that the last core-v2.X tag is used, not any other tag. Look at previous releases for what we include in the release - Mark this as the latest release and Publish the release.
  3. In uselagoon/lagoon-ui create a release from the tag pushed earlier. Use the "Generate release notes" button to create the changelog - ensuring that the last core-v2.X tag is used, not any other tag. Look at previous releases for what we include in the release - Mark this as the latest release and Publish the release.
  4. In uselagoon/lagoon-charts merge the successful PR, this will create the lagoon-core and lagoon-test releases for you. Edit the resulting lagoon-core chart release to note the corresponding lagoon release in the title and text box, as per previous releases.

Lagoon-remote - releases and release notes#

Lagoon remote has a release cycle separate to Lagoon Core, and as such, can be released anytime that a dependency sub-chart or service is updated.